H3: The crosswise strike (Zwerchau)


"Here learn and know that of all fencing techniques
with the sword, there is no strike that is as fair, forceful,
perfected and good as the Zwerchhau. And this strike is done
just across to both sides with both edges, the back and front
edge, to all openings above and below. It also defends against
any strikes from "vom Tag" which are all strikes from high
above or anything that comes down from above, and this all is
defended with the Zwerchhau.
[46] If one wishes to execute these well, the sword should be
thrown across before the head to whichever side he wishes, just
as he would intend to get into the hanging or winding positions,
save that he turns the flats of the sword, the one upward and
the other downward or below, and the edges across to the sides,
the one to the right and the other to the left side.
[47] And with these Zwerchhau (crossing strikes) it is easy to
get at the sword of the adversary. And as soon this has
happened, it is difficult for the adversary get away and will be
struck at both sides by the Zwerchhau..."

"Mark, the Thwart hew breaks the guard From the Day
and all hews that come hewing down from above, and drive
the Thwart thus: when you come with the pre-fencing, then
stand with your left foot before and hold your sword on your
right shoulder. If he then stands against you and holds his
sword high over his head with outstretched arms and
threatens to hew in at you from above, then come before him
with your hew and spring with your right foot well on your
right side against him, and in the spring Wind your sword
with the hilt before your head so that your thumb comes
under, and strike him with the short edge against his left side
to the head."

An excellent short video showing how to throw this cut and the basic applications may be found here.

Sword Fight Garage Band
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