H14: The cutting (Abschnieden)
4 slices are specifically described in the gloss:
"Mark that the two Lower-slices pertain to driving
against the fencers that like to run in with outstretched arms.
Drive it thus: when he binds on your sword and drives high up
with his arms, and runs in to you on your left side, then invert
your sword so that your thumb comes below, and fall in with
the long edge in his arm, under the pommel, and press upward
with the slice.
Or, if he runs with out-stretched arms to your right side,
then invert your sword so that your thumb comes below, and
fall in with the short edge in the arms, under his pommel, and
press upwards with the slice.
...when he runs-in and drives up high with the arms, and will
overpower you above against your left side with strength, so
twist your sword and fall under his hilt, into his arms with the
long edge with crossed hands, and press-upward with the slice
(as stands pictured next to this); or, if he runs-in against your
right side, fall into his arm with the short edge and press
upwards as before.
Yet another slice Item. When you bind strongly on his sword (with a cut or
otherwise): if he then allows his sword to snap-away from
yours and strikes you above to the head, so twist your sword
with the hilt in front of your head and slice-through his arm
below, and with the slice, set the point below upon his chest."
A video showing multiple versions of the Abschnieden may be found here.