H11: The changing through (Durchwechßlen)


"Mark, the Changing-throughs are many and multiple;
you shall drive them against the fencers that readily parry and
that hew to the sword (and not to the openings of the body).
You shall learn to drive it well with prudence, so that one
cannot Set-on you or come in with something while you are

"execute it thusly: When you cleave-in or thrust to him
in the onset, if he will then bind on the sword with a cut or
with a parry, allow the point under his sword and slip
through, and with that, thrust-in to him violently at the other
side, thus you find the opening upon him swiftly"

As stated, there are "many and multiple" ways to use this technique.  A modern fencer could describe this technique as a "disengagement" of the blade, letting the momentum of the opponent carry the tip offline after a bind and then traveling under the opponent's blade with a thrust.

One example of this technique may be found here.

While another (and longer) example may be found in the first four minutes of the video here.

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