H13: The running through (Durchläuffen)


"Mark, the Running-through and the wrestling are of
two kinds with the sword: the Running-throughs are the body
wrestling, and then thereafter are the arm wrestlings. And
they pertain to driving against the fencers that like to run in."

"Mark, when he runs into you and drives high up with the
arms and will overwhelm you above with strength, then drive
also up with your arms, and hold your sword by the pommel
over your head with your left hand, and let the blade hang
down behind over your back, and Run with your head through
your arm against his right side, and spring with your right
foot behind his right, and with the spring then drive in with
your right arm against his left side in front, well around his
body, and grasp him thus on your right hip and throw him
before you backwards on his head."

A short view of what the running through may look like may be found here.

A longer video showing different techniques as applied is here.

When considering grappling in longsword, your timing of when you move from blade work to grappling is extremely important.  The video shown here does an excellent job describing the necessary considerations.

Sword Fight Garage Band
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