H10: The setting aside (Absetzen)


"This is so that you shall learn to set-aside cuts and
thrusts alike with art, such that your point hits him and, in
that, his becomes broken, and understand it thusly: When
someone stands against you and holds his sword as if he will
stab you from below, so stand counter against him in the
guard of the plow from your right side, and give yourself an
opening with the left. If he then under-thrusts to the same
opening, wind with the sword against his thrust to your left
side and step toward him with the right foot, so that your
point hits and his fails"

"Mark, when you stand on your right side in the Plow, if he
then hews into your left side above to your head, then drive
up with the sword and Wind therewith on your left side
against his hew with the hilt before your head, and step
therewith to him with your right foot, and stab him to the face
or breast. Drive this technique from the Plow on both sides."

A short explanation of this technique may be found here.

A slightly longer explanation of this technique may be found here.  Note that the instructors discuss the Absetzen as one motion and the Versetzen as a two tempo version of the same technique.  While the Liechtenauer tradition describes the Versetzen as 4 specific counters to the 4 guards, these instructors provide Dobringer's interpretation which relies less heavily on the specific guard breaks but whose Versetzen actions equate to Liechtenauer's Absetzen.

Sword Fight Garage Band
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