H12: The twitching (Zucken)
"Mark that Pulling pertains to driving against the Masters
who bind strongly on the sword, and in the bind of the swords
remain standing still, and will wait to see if one will hew off, or
will draw off from the sword before them so that they can then
use Travelling-after to the opening. If you will trick or deceive
those same Masters, then drive the Pulling against him thus:
hew in from the right side above strongly to his head. If he then
drives with the sword strongly forward with the hew and will
parry, or hews to your sword, then pull your sword on you
before he binds on you, and stab into the other side. And do that
against all hitting and binding-on of the swords."
This is a similar technique to the Durchwechßlen but involves pulling your blade over the tip/above your opponent's blade instead of disengaging beneath.
Another example shows you do not need to travel all the way to the point if your opponent pulls their tip off line greatly, instead pulling back and then thrusting forward. It is shown here.