H8: Traveling after (Nachreisen)


"When you come to him with the pre-fencing, then stand with
your left foot before in the guard From the Day, and see well
how he will fence against you. If he then hews long above in
to you, then watch so that he does not reach you, and mark
while his sword goes under you against the earth with the
hew. Then spring to with your right foot and hew him above
into the head before he comes up again with the sword; so is
he struck."

"Note, this is so that you shall learn the travelings-after
quite well, because they are dual, and the first execute thusly:
when he wishes to cleave-in above him, so note while he pulls
up the sword to the strike, [and] travel-after him with a strike,
a cut, or with a thrust, and hit him to the upper opening before
the moment he descends with the cut, or fall with the long
edge above him onto his arm and with that, press him from
...Or if he will thrust you, note the moment he pulls the sword
to him for the thrust, so travel-after him and thrust him before
he completes his thrust."

In essence, Nachreisen is the counterattack performed after a voiding of the blade by lengthening your distance...or it is the pre-emptive attack made against an opponent in mid-preparation of their own attack.  You are "following after" their missed attack or their initial preparation.

A short video explaining the concept of Nachreisen may be found here.

Sword Fight Garage Band
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